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Physical Traits

Breed(s) -- Maine coon mix

Fur Color(s) -- Diluted calico

Fur Texture -- oily, otherwise soft

Fur Length -- long

Markings -- Calico

Eye Color -- Spring green

Body Type -- Small, strong build

Height -- average

Weight -- Slightly less than average

Voice -- Katherine Hepburn

Gait -- Smooth, languid, short

Scent -- Magnolias and wild honey

Scars -- None

Deformities -- None

Diseases -- None

Other Conditions -- None

Coordination -- 6/10

Reflexes -- 5/10

Strength -- 3/10

Speed - 4/10


| Vain | Polite | Flirtatious | Passive aggressive | Sociable |Spoiled |Lazy |


-This cat does not represent my beliefs-

Magnolia is a very curious and sweet molly. She is usually polite and proper, but the cat will not hesitate to drop a subtle, well placed passive aggressive insult when her family is concerned and/or victimized. She has a rather good head on her shoulders, always with a clever remark or calculated response to conversation. Magnoliapetal is also a it of a serial flirt like her father, seeing no harm in a little fun until she picks a tom to settle down with. She's fairly self-centered and vain, believing she is the prettier sister and, quite frankly, the prettiest kit her father has had. Magnoliapetal was raised like a princess and expects to be treated like a princess, making her rather lazy and spoiled. She is rather small and tries to make up for it by doing everything her father tells her. Everything. She adores her father and mother and feels a bit angry Honeythistle doesn't give all of his attention to her mother and not his other mates. She grew up feeling that it was unfair that her father didn't give all of his attention to her mother and hated her half siblings, but grew to tolerate them in adulthood. She, like most of hr family, does not tolerate "differences". This means she is homophobic and transphobic, seeing cats who aren't straight and cis as impediments to her family legacy. Magnolia follows her father's belief that a she-cat is not meant to fight and is not meant to be alone, meaning she expects her mate to dote on her and protect her. She will raise her kits with the same belief system, teaches the she-kits to be polite charming future queens and encouraging the tomkits to stand up and fight for their sisters.  She hopes to find a strong mate who can provide for her and her future kits.

Mental Age --30 moons

Psychiatric Complications -- None

Phobias -- None

Sociability -- 8/10

Outlook -- Realist

Responsibility -- 4/10

Cleanliness -- 9/10

Generosity -- 3/10

Manners -- 9/10

Bravery -- 4/10

Logic or Emotion -- Logic

Quirk(s) -- She twirls her tail when talking to and flirting with toms

Favorite Season -- Leaffall

Favorite Food(s) -- Sparrow

Favorite Word -- here

Favorite Sound(s) -- here

Greatest Hope -- To continue her father's legacy and raise obedient, successful kits

Greatest Strength -- Persuasion

Greatest Weakness -- Any practical skill

Worst Nightmare -- Raising kits that would be disappointments to her father

Deepest Darkest Secret -- here

Most Treasured Memory -- Any with her father


Current Name -- Magnoliapetal

Other Names -- Magnoliapaw, Magnoliakit

Age -- 23 moons

Gender -- Female

Sexual Orientation -- straight

Bloodline -- Fuzz family, 100% ShC


Current Affiliation -- Shadowclan

Former Affiliation -- here

Rank -- Queen

Current Mentor -- None

Past Mentor -- Larkshadow (NPC)

Future Mentor -- None

Current Apprentice -- None

Past Apprentices -- None

Future Apprentices -- None


Place of Birth -- Shadowclan

Date of Birth -- here

Former Rank(s) -- here

Beliefs -- Starclan

Other Info

Creation Date -- here

Theme Song -- here

Name Breakdown -- Magnolia- The white patches on her fur

Petal- Her politeness and grace

Random Facts -- here


Father -- Honeythistle (inactive)

Mother -- Rosenose (inactive)

Sisters -- Full- Papayakit (inactive)

Brothers -- Full- None

Half Siblings-- Sunrisedapple, Stormrose, Twilightkit, Nightfallkit, Eveningkit, Daturakit, Bronzeflash, Crimsonblaze, Ferretfrost, Flykit, Palekit, Radiantkit, Rustedkit, Coalkit, Obsidiankit (all presumed inactive)

Cousins-- Falcondive (@BILL.), Icestar (@Casper)

Best Friends -- here

Friends -- Crowskip (@Rainquail)

Acquaintances -- here

Enemies -- here

Nemesis' -- here

Crush -- here

Significant Other -- here

Mate -- Aldertrail (@Sparkling Bliss)

Kits -- here

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