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Physical Traits

Breed(s) -- Balinese mix

Fur Color(s) -- Flame Point

Fur Texture -- Silky Soft and very thick

Fur Length -- Long

Markings -- Red points

Eye Color -- Ice Blue

Body Type -- Long legged

Height -- Short

Weight -- A little chubby

Voice -- High Pitched & Energetic

Gait -- Choppy & Fast

Scent -- Cinnamon and sugar

Scars -- None

Deformities -- None

Diseases -- None

Other Conditions -- Convergent strabismus

Coordination -- 3/10

Reflexes -- 4/10

Strength -- 6/10

Speed - 7/10


Compassionate | Nosy | Hyperactive | Insecure | Protective

Paleheart is the equivalent of seven hyper kits shoved into a fluffy suit to act like a warrior. She's extremely hyper, nearly bouncing wherever she goes, and has a habit of trying to get every cat in her vicinity to smile. She loves talking to cats, endless streams of chatter that sometimes don't even make sense coming out of her mouth any time, all the time. Paleheart is also very loving and unashamed of it, often straight up telling her friends how much she appreciates them on the daily. This makes her an excellent mother, and she willingly embraces that fact. She is incredibly protective of her kits and becomes a total worrywart when they near apprentice age, always asking them to tell her everything about their apprentice duties and training. Pale aims to become a forever queen eventually, dedicating her life to her kits.

Funnily enough, despite Paleheart being completely honest and open with her friends, she will NEVER admit that she has feelings for another cat. whether its a teeny tiny crush or full blown love, she'll hide her feelings out of the fear she'll be rejected. The molly thinks she isn't truly worthy of love, though she desperately wants it. Pale also tends to pretend everything is always fine and dandy, no matter how she really feels. She's a crybaby, but any sadness or anger is played off as her just messing around. She doesn't want to ruin the clan's view of perfectly happy Paleheart bouncing around the clan.

Pale is also quite nosy, always wanting to know what her friends are up to, who they were talking to, what they're gonna do later. She becomes oddly pushy at times, like she's switched into a completely new personality. In extreme circumstances, such as intense arguments and battles, she turns into a rather scary version of herself, AKA take-no-prisoners Pale. She gets loud, demanding, and agressive, crushing self esteems and dreams left and right. She would never truly kill a cat, instead just using her large size to knock out opponents and leave them be. She rarely gets mad at her clanmates to the point where she rips them apart, but when she does she doesn't apologize.

Mental Age -- 12 moons

Psychiatric Complications -- 

Phobias -- Fear of Rejection

Sociability -- 9/10

Outlook -- VERY Optimistic

Responsibility -- 4/10

Cleanliness -- 7/10

Generosity -- 8/10

Manners -- 5/10

Bravery -- 3/10

Logic or Emotion -- Emotion

Quirk(s) -- Her tail is always straight up unless saddened. She also waves it around often, like a little bumper so she doesn't run into as many things.

Favorite Season -- Greenleaf

Favorite Food(s) -- Robin

Favorite Word -- Fun

Favorite Sound(s) -- Laughter

Greatest Hope -- To keep the clan light-hearted and happy

Greatest Strength -- Her Charisma

Greatest Weakness -- Low Self esteem, staying serious

Worst Nightmare -- Betrayal & Rejection

Deepest Darkest Secret -- She watched her brother get murdered and didn't do anything about it

Most Treasured Memory -- Playing with her brother before he died: He told her he loved her more than anyone and that she would never be alone.


Current Name -- Paleheart

Other Names --Palekit, Palepaw, Effie, Pale

Age -- 32 moons

Gender -- Female

Sexual Orientation -- Pansexual

Bloodline -- 100% Windclan


Current Affiliation -- Kittypet

Former Affiliation -- Windclan

Rank -- Warrior

Current Mentor -- None

Past Mentor -- Kestreljump (NPC)

Future Mentor -- None

Current Apprentice -- none

Past Apprentices -- Badgertooth (inactive), Puddlepaw

Future Apprentices -- 


Place of Birth -- Windclan

Date of Birth -- 12/27/18

Former Rank(s) -- Kit, Apprentice

Beliefs -- Starclan; She believes her brother is there

Other Info

Creation Date -- 12/27/16

Theme Song -- here

Name Breakdown -- Pale- Her light coloring

Heart- She is very passionate and happy

Random Facts -- Pale was captured by twolegs while hunting for Windclan, and has yet to be able to return. The twolegs that captured her call her "Effie".


Father -- Cherrynose (NPC)

Mother -- Rainfeather (NPC)

Sisters -- Open

Brothers -- Blazingpaw (deceased, NPC), Open

Best Friends -- Open

Friends -- Open

Acquaintances -- Open

Enemies -- Open

Nemesis' -- Open

Crush -- 

Significant Other -- 

Mate -- Hareleap (Past, inactive)

Kits -- Snakepaw, Garterpaw, Geckopaw, Chameleonpaw (all inactive)

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